This is the buffer macro that I'm using to let other player be buffed and healed by my acolyte and priest character. Just paste this in the macros.txt located at the control folder of you openkore copy.
automacro samplebuffer {
sp > 20%
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (.*)(buff|Flag|Help|heal)(.*)$/
exclusive 1
call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
$target = $.lastMatch3
$skill = $.lastMatch5
if ($dist > 8) goto end
if ($skill == buff) goto buff
if ($skill == Flag) goto buff
if ($skill == Help) goto heal
if ($skill == heal) goto heal
goto end
# 34 blessing
# 29 inc agi
do sp 34 $target
do sp 29 $target
goto emo
# 28 heal
do sp 28 $target
goto emo
$last = $.lastMatch2
do e e29
goto end
Hey, if you want a KS bot. Just comment and leave a message. I can do a tutorial for creating a KS bot so that you can do it yourself and be confident that your openkore copy is safe or you can request for a ready to use KS bot from me. Just comment and leave a message. Thank you.