Thursday, May 26, 2011

Buffer macro. Triggered by wave flag at /hp

Attention: Kill Steal version of openkore available at Openkore Kill Steal Download post.

This is the buffer macro that I'm using to let other player be buffed and healed by my acolyte and priest character. Just paste this in the macros.txt located at the control folder of you openkore copy.
automacro samplebuffer {
sp > 20%
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (.*)(buff|Flag|Help|heal)(.*)$/
exclusive 1
call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
$target = $.lastMatch3
$skill = $.lastMatch5
if ($dist > 8) goto end
if ($skill == buff) goto buff
if ($skill == Flag) goto buff
if ($skill == Help) goto heal
if ($skill == heal) goto heal
goto end
# 34 blessing
# 29 inc agi
do sp 34 $target
do sp 29 $target
goto emo
# 28 heal
do sp 28 $target
goto emo
$last = $.lastMatch2
do e e29
goto end

Hey, if you want a KS bot. Just comment and leave a message. I can do a tutorial for creating a KS bot so that you can do it yourself and be confident that your openkore copy is safe or you can request for a ready to use KS bot from me. Just comment and leave a message. Thank you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Perl plugins faster than Macro plugins

I am currently thinking about studying about perl scripting to create plugins for Openkore. It is more faster to process the functions and instructions because it is perl is much more low level language than macro. It execute the scripts more direct not like macro that needs to convert the macro script to perl before it will be executed by the openkore. It looks like this.

Macro: Macro => script => openkore convert macro to perl => Openkore => read perl script => script executed by openkore.

PERL: Perl => script => read by openkore => script executed by openkore.

When you use perl directly to instruct openkore. It skips the conversion part that openkore need to do

Update: New Loki Bot

Yeah boy. I just found out that there is a Loki server config in the latest copy of openkore. To all openkore users out there. You can bot in the new PH loki server. Just update you server.txt in the table folder.

Please be aware that I am open for questions. I will install a chat plugin here in my blog to respond to your question as fast as I can.